L. Torricelli. On the convolution equivalence of tempered stable distributions on the real line. Statistics and Probability Letters, 207, Arxiv Preprint
P. Carr e L. Torricelli “Convex duality in continuous option pricing models.” Annals of Operations Research, 2023, 1-25.
L. Torricelli, L. Barabesi e A. Cerioli “Tempered positive Linnik processes and their representations“, Electronic Journal of Statistics 16.2, 2022,: 6313-6347. ArXiv Preprint
P. Carr e L.Torricelli: “Additice logistic processes in option pricing”. Finance and Stochastics, 2020. Finance and Stochastics 25.4 (2021): 689-724. SSRN Preprint
A. Jacquier e L. Torricelli: “Anomalous diffusions in option prices: connecting trade duration and the volatility term structure” 2019, SSRN preprint. SIFIN 11(4), 1137–1167, 2020.;
L. Torricelli: “The effect of an instantaneous dependency rate on the social equitability of hybrid PAYG public pensions schemes” 2020, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. SSRN Preprint.
C. Fries e L. Torricelli “An analytical pricing framework for financial assets with trading suspensions”, SIFIN 11-2 , 566-592, 2020. SSRN Preprint;
L. Torricelli: “The trade duration risk in subdiffusive pricing models” Physica A, 541, 2020.SSRN Preprint
L. Torricelli “Volatility targeting using delayed diffusions” 2018 SSRN Preprint, Applied Mathematical Finance, 25(3);
L. Torricelli “Valuation of asset and volatility derivatives using decoupled time- changed Lévy processes” , Review of derivatives research 19, 1, 2016Arxiv preprint
L. Torricelli “Pricing joint claims on an asset and its realized variance in stochastic volatility models”, International Journal of Theoretical and applied Finance, 16, 1, 2013 Arxiv preprint
G. Di Graziano e L. Torricelli “Target volatility option pricing”, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 15, 1, 2012 Eprint (Pubblicato in “Finance at Fields”, M.R Grasselli & L.P. Huston, World Scientific, 2013)
Quant Summit Risk.net, “Explicit option pricing and volatility surface modelling”,
Londra 2023
“Social equitability in PAYG public pension schemes” AMASES annual Meeting, Milano Bicocca 2023.
“Tempered stable distriubtions and processes” conferenza FraCalMo, Bologna 2022
“Convex Duality in continuous option pricing models” 11th Bachelier Finance Society Congress 2022
“Tempered stable distriubtions and processes” 3rd Meeting in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Bologna 2022
“Convex duality in continuous pricing models” XXI QFW, Roma Tor Vergata, 2022.
“From option prices to additive models” SIMAI 2020+2021, Parma.
“Additive logistic processes in option pricing”. Relatore invitato ai seminari Cornell-Citi Financial Data Science, Cornell University, Aprile 2021. Video disponibile a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdhl3Np7xbk&t=9s
“Logistic processes and the simplest option pricing formula”, XXI QFW, Università Parthenope, Napoli, Gennaio 2020
“Anomalous diffusions in option prices: connecting trade duration and the volatility term structure”. AMASES annual meeting, Perugia 2019.
“Stochastic clock methods for trade duration in option pricing” Università di Verona, maggio 2019
“Anomalous diffusions in equity pricing and the volatility term structure”. XXmo Quantitative Finance Workshop, ETH Zurigo, 23-25 gennaio 2019.
“An analytical pricing framework for asset with trading suspensions”, meeting annuale AMASES, Napoli 13-15 settembre 2018.
“Inverse Lévy subordination in option pricing” Università di Padova, 28 marzo 2018. Slides
“Volatility targeting using delayed diffusions” XIX Quantitative Finance Workshop, Roma 24-26 gennaio 2018 – Poster Session. Poster
“Financial products depending jointly on an asset and its volatility: case studies and a theoretical view”. Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di Matematica per le Decisioni, giugno 2013. slides.
“Valuation of asset and volatility-dependent derivatives using decoupled time-changed Lévy processes”. XIV Workshop in Quantitative Finance, Rimini, gennaio 2013. slides
“Target Volatility Option and claims on an asset and its realized volatility”. Presentazione al seminario mensile in finanza quantitativa di Banco Santander Londra, gennaio 2011: slides
Altri lavori
“Modeling of volatility-linked financial products”, dissertazione finale per il PhD. (download dalla biblioteca UCL)